Welcome to migrate4j database support status

Status and Progress

The following indicates the status of database support for migrate4j version 0.04:


Test results for Apache Derby version - (599110)
Using driver Apache Derby Embedded JDBC Driver version - (599110)
Generator class com.eroi.migrate.generators.DerbyGenerator

Create table/table exists:  PASS
Drop table:  PASS
Add column/column exists:  PASS
Drop column:  PASS
Add index/index exists:  PASS
Drop index:  PASS
Add unique index:  PASS
Drop unique index:  PASS
Add foreign key/foreign key exists:  PASS
Drop foreign key:  PASS
Add column after column:  
Rename column:  

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Test results for H2 version 1.0.59 (2007-10-03)
Using driver H2 JDBC Driver version 1.0.59 (2007-10-03)
Generator class com.eroi.migrate.generators.GenericGenerator

Create table/table exists:  PASS
Drop table:  PASS
Add column/column exists:  PASS
Drop column:  PASS
Add index/index exists:  PASS
Drop index:  PASS
Add unique index:  PASS
Drop unique index:  PASS
Add foreign key/foreign key exists:  PASS
Drop foreign key:  PASS
Add column after column:  PASS

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Test results for MySQL version 5.0.45-Debian_1ubuntu3.3-log
Using driver MySQL-AB JDBC Driver version mysql-connector-java-5.0.8 ( Revision: ${svn.Revision} )
Generator class com.eroi.migrate.generators.MySQLGenerator

Create table/table exists:  PASS
Drop table:  PASS
Add column/column exists:  PASS
Drop column:  PASS
Add index/index exists:  PASS
Drop index:  PASS
Add unique index:  PASS
Drop unique index:  PASS
Add foreign key/foreign key exists:  PASS
Drop foreign key:  PASS
Add column after column:  PASS

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Test results for SQL Anywhere version
Using driver jConnect (TM) for JDBC (TM) version jConnect (TM) for JDBC(TM)/5.2(Build 20765)/P/EBF9109/JDK12/Fri Jun 16  9:31:01 2000
Generator class com.eroi.migrate.generators.SybaseGenerator

Create table/table exists:  PASS
Drop table:  PASS
Add column/column exists:  PASS
Drop column:  PASS
Add index/index exists:  PASS
Drop index:  PASS
Add unique index:  PASS
Drop unique index:  PASS
Add foreign key/foreign key exists:  PASS
Drop foreign key:  PASS
Add column after column:  

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All other databases

Databases without specific generators use the same Generator as H2. Differences in DDL may cause schema changes in other database products to fail.

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